What’s the story behind Indonesia Islands?

Ready for a love story? A German cosmopolitan travelled for business reasons around Asia. In his leisure time he loved to explore Bali for 15 years. One day in Munich he fell in love with a German girl. She has never been before to Asia but was open-minded and excited to explore Indonesia. So they planned their first Bali trip together. On the island he told her about a business idea linked to Balinese interior design. The following two years they hired a team of designers, quality experts and marketing & sales people. They had a vision and a huge passion for Balinese culture and lifestyle. To sum it up: The startup had no future but the passion for Bali and Indonesia was more alive than ever before. They started to learn Bahasa Indonesia and spend every vacation with travelling around the islands.

Indonesia feels like…

It’s difficult to describe but staying in Indonesia feels like a second home to us. Several times a year we come to Indonesia meeting friends, travelling around, and writing reviews about the best hotels, outstanding restaurants, unique countrysides, experiences, and sightseeing highlights. As sophisticated travellers and tropical lifestyle addicts we know exactly what travel standards you expect. Now we are proud to show you this contemporary selection of exclusive lifestyle on Indonesia’s islands.
Enjoy your travel preparations.


All the best,
Rebecca & Markus